How to Fake Your Own Death

Ever want to fake your own death? It’s easy with this handy guide.

How to Fake Your Own Death

Step 1:

Make two masks of your face out of blown up photograph pieces of elastic string. All you need to do is print out a photo and glue the elastic string on the sides to make a way to hold it in place.

Step 2:

Hire a stunt double and give him or her your mask to wear. Make sure the stunt double is about your height, build and gender. Awkward questions will arise if they are not.

Step 3:

Craft a mannequin out of flammable clothing and newspaper and place second mask on its newsprint head.

Step 4:

Rig an old abandoned building with powerful explosives. I can’t stress the importance of making sure it really is abandoned. Double check to make sure. You really don’t want to end up arrested for murder.

Step 5:

Have stunt double climb onto the roof of the abandoned building and start screaming out gibberish into a bullhorn. Set up a video camera to record his actions and have the feed go directly to all the computers at your place of business. You may need to hire a computer hacker for this.

Step 6:

Have stunt double dive to the ground and switch himself out with a mannequin. Make sure the mannequin is propped up by something,

Step 7:

Make sure the stunt double has had time to make his way a safe distance from the building and then remotely detonate the explosives.

Step 8:

Sit back and watch as people assume your body was incinerated in the resulting explosion.

Step 9:

Wonder what you’re actually going to do now that everyone thinks you’re dead, since you no longer have a job and all death benefits will go to your next of kin.

Step 10:

Show up at work the next day and claim to have no idea who could pull such a cruel prank. Work at your boring job for the next forty years to pay off the debt caused by hiring a stunt double, high tech camera equipment, computer hacker and explosives.


8 thoughts on “How to Fake Your Own Death

    • Sorry.:( I tried to make a time machine to send the information to people who needed it in the past, but it didn’t work. I should have listened to the people who said a bathtub filled with watches wouldn’t make me travel through time.

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